Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sweet Tranquility by Heather

If you ask the all-knowing Wikipedia for information regarding indie design you'll get the following:

"The indie design movement is made up of independent designers, artists and craftspeople who design and make a wide array of products without being part of large, industrialized businesses. They are supported by a growing number of indie shoppers who are seeking niche and often handmade products as opposed to those mass-produced by corporations. Such products may include jewelry and other accessories, ceramics, clothing, glass, metalwork, furniture, cosmetics, art and much more. The indie design movement can be seen as being an aspect of the general indie movement and DIY culture."

If ever Wikipedia got something right, this would be it. I'd like to say that my life can be illustrated by the indie movement as a whole, but you're not going to find me delving into deep, meaningful literature anytime soon, or working towards the multiple masters degrees and PhD's that even my own husband strives to achieve. I'll forget my reusable grocery bags more often than I remember them, and yes, you will catch me singing along to the lyrics of whatever bleached-out pop-star has a new hit song this month. But the art... well, that is who I am. The designs, patterns, colors, textures, emotions and meaning that goes into indie designs are what tugs on my heartstrings and takes me high above the rigid, mainstream, norm of today's society. Do I believe in the ideals of the indie world as a whole? Of course, how can you not believe in peace, love and a creative outlook on life... but my expression of these things comes out through design. My trouble is, I need a swift kick in the rear to get out my creativity.

I'm an 8 to 4, commuting, cubicle-dwelling corporate diva. Again, please let me reiterate the fact that I'm not claiming to be Ms. Indie-life over here. The fact of the matter is; I like to make art, but supplies cost money, and (quite-frankly) I like making money too. This is where my dilemma begins. How do I balance my life in a way that neither my job, husband nor home get neglected, but my creative soul remains nurtured?

I see these women who have great careers, beautiful homes, packed social schedules, but still have time to fill their living room with handmade lampshades and picture frames. I, on the other hand, have a lengthy to-do list filled with all sorts of projects, but can never quite muster up the energy to finish any of them to completion... if they even get started in the first place. I became fed-up with the endless cycle of suppressing my creativity through lack of motivation and turned to the internet in search of inspiration... only to not find any.

All of a sudden, I never felt more alone in my struggle. Where were the blogs full of newly-married twenty-somethings trying to start out on their life's path while maintaining their creative muses? Where were all the strong women balancing flowering careers with a home-life to rival those shown in Country Living and Martha Stewart? I found blog upon blog from single, corporate women trying to succeed in the world, and even more from moms trying to create a life at home full of cooking and crafts. Where was the in-between and how do I balance my own life in this uncharted lifestyle niche?

This is the question I try to answer in my personal online journal. Sweet Tranquility is my own journey of achieving peaceful existence through creative expression. However, is this a journey that should be taken on as a solo adventure? Yes and no. While the journal was started for my own benefit as a way to organize my chaotic life, I secretly dreamed of connecting with the other women in this niche who could offer mutual support, motivation and creative muse. Within days, we found each other. When the soul cries out for support and inspiration, you will oftentimes be surprised at how that call is answered. While everyone truly is on their own personal journey, the path does not always have to be forged alone.

Indie by Design is both a creative melting pot and a safe-haven from the usual problems found in relationships between strong women. We're all trying to find our individual place in the world, but we are trying to achieve our balance through support instead of competition. We have started this site to help foster our creativity, boost our motivation and grow in ways which seemed nearly unattainable in the past. In the end, we are all looking for ways to better each of our lives, and will find those ways through different means. We are not here to point out the differences, but rather embrace them and help each other succeed with both our individual and collective life-goals.

I am thrilled to be part of a project with such a huge, positive potential right from day one. I can't imagine where this journey is going to take us, but hopefully everyone will enjoy it as much as we will.


  1. This is very exciting. I've always been a fan of your writing/work and I look forward to this new adventure!

    Beautiful site design, by the way. Is it custom?

  2. Aww, wow! Thank you!

    And thank you for the compliments on the site... techinically its a custom design, but that makes it sound too fancy! Its really just something I threw together when we came up with the idea for the site!
